Yin Yoga-kurser i Stockholm/Kungsholmen. Kraftfull Studio, Franzéngatan 47
Yin Yoga Online Program - "Become Your own Guru"
YOUTUBE - Flowbyfanny
Yin Yoga Online Program
"Become your own Guru"
En Yin Yoga-kurs online för att landa i en djupare kontakt med dig själv. Kursen innehåller Yin Yoga-klasser, Andningsövningar, Meditationer, samt andra verktyg som vägleder dig på din egen inre resa.
Du är din egen Guru. Stå i din egen kraft och i din egen sanning. Du bär redan på alla svar inom dig. Lita på din egen visdom.
Signa upp dig på min maillista för att ta del av exklusivt erbjudande av mitt Onlineprogram.
Hi, I am Fanny.
Based in Stockholm, Sweden.
I work with souls that are ready for tools to heal themselves. To detox their Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies. Souls that are ready to embody their inner wisdom.
I will guide you home to your own heart & the wisdom of your womb. Your authentic truth. So that you can live your life from self LOVE, wild & free, connected with Mother Nature.
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- I know that we are all connected. Not only are we the Universe, the Universe is in us.
- I am connected with my highest self. I trust my intuition. I am connected with my womb wisdom. My heart is leading the way. I have healthy boundaries.

- I am connected with the wisdom of my body. I honor my body.
- What does my body need right now? How can I support my body to release all that is no longer serving me. I listen to my body and give her what she needs.
I embody my own truth.

- Is this food supporting my beloved body? How is my gut health?
- I am aware of the food I put into my body. I eat mindfully. I respect my body. My body is my temple. Food is medicine & energy.
I am my own healer.
You are Nature
Our beloved Mother Earth is covered by 70% water and so is your human body. Keep your inner water clean so that your energy are allowed to flow soft and easily. Let go of all the toxins and remember who you are. Remember where you came from. Remember why you are here on this Earth. In this lifetime.
Connect with your inner Nature. Your inner truth. Know that you are one with Mother Nature. We breathe in what trees breathe out and they breathe in what we breathe out. Everything is connected. Look deep into Nature & you will understand everything better.
You are a wild & magical being of light, in a human body. Your body is your sacred Temple.

"You deserve a free, healthy, happy life full of
Connected with Mother Nature"
Kvinnlig cirkel
Sharing - Andning - Yin Yoga - Meditation
Kraftfull Studio, Franzéngatan 47 Stockholm
Ny kursstart 7 April - ANMÄLAN ÖPPEN
Anmälan sker via: [email protected]

"You have all the answers within. You are your own Guru"
Hi, I am Fanny.
I work with souls that are ready for the tools to heal themselves. To detox their Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual bodies.
I will guide you home to your own heart & the wisdom of your womb. Your natural truth. So that you can live your life from self LOVE, wild & free, connected with Mother Nature.
After many years of struggling with stress, self-destructive mindset, disconnected from my truth, people pleasing, body symptoms, spiritually bypassing & lots of anxiety, I decided to take full responsibility of my life and heal my body from the inside & out. Healing is an ongoing process, layers after layers, and I am deeply committed to my own healing path. Every breath I take.
Now I am guiding other women to heal themselves. With the same tools that I am using. To heal ourselves, we need to let go of all the things that are holding us back. We need to detox our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies. And take action, to step into our highest potential. Let go of your mind & connect with the deep, inner wisdom that already exist in you. You have all the answers within, under all the layers that tells you otherwize.
Let´s detox yourself from all the fear, trauma & control. Set yourself wild & free. Connect with your own body, with your womb wisdom. come home to your heart. And start to live life from your true SELF. Authentic & Natural. Just the way you are.
This world needs you. The real wild you.
Love, Fanny
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